Sunday 11 January 2015


So I failed already at the no cola thing- it’s 11.43 and I’m drinking cola… fuck my life. On the plus side it’s only in small quantities I used to drink so much of it but not as much nowadays, for the past few days I've only been drinking water and I'm contemplating buying a water infusion- you know the ones that take flavour from fruit to make it taste nice. I really struggle with making myself drink water plain, I have a strange gag reflux that seems to just seep plain water out after I've tried to drink it.  As well as this I’m mentally preparing myself for my next exercise and round of squats, I'm also doing another wrap to try and aid water weight. I did this yesterday and it seemed to reduce bloating, so I'm trying it again today. this certainly got my heart pumping for a 10 minute workout. It’s definitely not as fun as the one I did yesterday! but it was an easier way to incorporate my 55 squats for the squat day challenge. I’m not sweating after just ten minutes and the host is really good. The only thing that I don’t like is that the time shown on the screen doesn’t correlate with the minute times that she gives you. 

So as mentioned up above, I have done my squat day challenge today, as well as 20 sit ups. Which I feel isn't too bad for a beginner. 

Dinner wasn't particularly healthy, or particularly bad for me in honesty. I had a sunday roast dinner with Lamb, broccoli, cauliflower, carrots and the usual. So had a nice portion of vegetables. 

However, I did snack a little tonight but not after 8pm. A few chocolates and a couple of snackajacks. I failed by drinking more pepsi too! A couple of fails but all in all not a terrible day! 

First day back at work tomorrow this should be interesting to see is all plans go out of the window. 
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Saturday 10 January 2015


One set of ten squats done so far today! only four more sets to go. Having a peppermint tea as well whilst doing a cling film wrap to try and reduce water weight. Have a ten minute exercise regime set up to do as well! All before getting ready to go out to eat terrible food for me (Nandos). What are you all doing today? I'll update you later with the video and how well it worked for me. I'd say I'm a beginner level 3 maybe? I'm not a complete blob and my job is fairly active, but, I'm not good with exercise, I suck at going to the gym and have no idea on how to do a lot of exercises. - this is the first youtube video I tried. It's only ten minutes, so if you're better at exercise than me then it's really worth a go.  However, I failed terribly at this one, it's full of planks that are just impossible for me at the moment. SOOOOO... I switched to another one of her videos. this one seemed fun and once again only ten minutes! We're all able to dance like a maniac so I might be more cut out for something like this.  This is possibly one of the best workout videos for cardios that I've done, it's moves that we've probably all done or at least attempted to do! but in a video form and not in a club whilst drunk!  I'm sweating after ten minutes and out of breath! but it isn't completely undoable. Definitely worth a try! 

Okay, just got back from nandos! I had some naughty chicken butterfly, mash potato and coleslaw. Naughty naughty! but on the plus side, It was tasty and I had fun. 

Forty squats done- so fifty in total. And 20 sit ups! I think that's a positive day. 

However, I did break the rule about eating after 8pm so Naughty Gemma!!! :'( 
That'll be a rule that I'm going to struggle with. 

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So you're probably wondering- but this isn't the ninth... what's going on? Are you lying to us!?

Well no, I actually started documenting this for my own benefit but soon decided that maybe writing it on a blog (that perhaps someone somewhere might come across and decide to read will find helpful). So yes, I began coming up with a plan on the 9th of January 2015 and actually brought that plan into action on the 10th so enough rambling here's the 09/01/15 snippet for you:

First day of making up this plan, it’s 9pm and I plan on having an early night and starting the squat challenge tomorrow as well as a workout before getting ready to go out. I haven’t eaten since my dinner at about 7ish? so that’s a positive outcome of today.  I've come up with a few rules for myself- no eating past 8pm, this is to try and get into a routine.  

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What is this all about?

So, there are a lot of health/weightloss blogs out there, however, a lot of them seem kind of fake?

I always find it difficult to find someone that blogs daily and gives their actual opinion on different exercise videos, different diet tools, different types of 'teatox',  hence, that's what I'm aiming to do!

I'll give you a few details about myself first:

I'm 23 years old as of Last December, I weight around 200pounds, which fluctuates like crazy at the moment. I stand at 5"9 and am fairly proportionate in terms of 'curves'.

The reason I am doing this is simply because I'm unhappy with my body, the way I look in pictures, the way my double chin ruins every selfie I take and I'm forced to take around 7 before finding a half decent one. As well as health reasons, I'm constantly run down, I get tired super easily and I don't eat anywhere near enough fruit (not like I used to).  I want to be back at a point where I can act stupid like a child, run up and down stairs without getting out of breath so quickly.

The flow of the blog will be fairly simple, I'll post daily blogs some longer than others- I'll include the video I've followed for my exercise, what I've eaten if it's anything credible. Or anything you guys want to know really?

I'll see you next time guys,
Gemma x
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